löytyy tietysti jokaisen kestävyysjuoksun ystävän suosikkisivustolta, raastosta.
Omien juoksujen osalta on alkanut hiipiä puseroon ajatus ettei tälle kaudelle kuntoon päässyt ollenkaan. Viimeisin yritys viikko sitten Ljubljanan puolimaratonilla tuotti vaatimattoman 1.37 -loppuajan. Minimitavoite oli 1.34 -alkuinen tulos, joten mietintämyssyä piti päähän sovitella kisan jälkeen. Viiltävän analyysin tulos: palataanpa juoksutekniikassa päkiäpaineeseen. Harjoittelun osalta lihaskunnosta huolehtiminen on myös jäänyt liian vähälle huomiolle.
Asetellaan asioita kuitenkin mittasuhteeseen: juoksu oli vain yksi osa viikon lomareissua. Sen aikana mm. Ljubljanan pittoreski vanha kaupunki, Lipican perinteikäs hevosfarmi, Škocjan upea luolasto sekä rannikon moni-ilmeiset Piranin ja Portorozin kaupungit tulivat tutuiksi. Kävimme myös Kroatian puolella ja mukavan näköisiä pikku rannikkokaupunkeja löytyy sieltäkin.
Ljubljanan kisaan ei olisi kiva kautta päättää, joten alustava ajatus on kokeilla vielä pari kertaa tälle vuodelle; viikon päästä joko puolikas Vammalan Sastamalassa tai varttimara Orimattilassa ja sitten joulukuun alkupuolella puolikas Kuopiossa.
"Intuitiosi avulla näet rastin. Järkesi avulla piirrät kartan." - Jorma Ronkainen (OnLähde.fi)
lauantaina, lokakuuta 30, 2010
perjantaina, lokakuuta 15, 2010
"There are 33 of them,
and Jesus died and came back to life when he was 33" -Bernarda Lorca
69 päivää maan uumenissa pakottaa ihmisen kohtaamaan itsensä.
Varjoja. Demoneja.
"There are actually 34 of us, because God has never left us down here." -Jimmy Sanchez
“I was with God and I was with the devil; they fought me but God won. He took me by my best hand, the hand of God, and I held on to him. I never thought for one minute that God wouldn't get me out of there. I believe that I had extraordinary luck, I believe this was a test. ... I believe that God does test people and I believe that we have the possibility to confront things in life such as what we had to confront, ... but I'm very happy that it happened to me because I believe it was the moment in which to make changes. -Mario Sepulveda
“I have come back to life. (...) Sometimes you need something to happen in your life to really reflect and understand that we only have one life. I changed, I am a different person.” -Mario Gomez
"Can you imagine? After 30 years of marriage we will start sending each other love letters again. I want to tell him that I love him so much. I want to tell him that things will be different, that we will have a new life. I will wait as long as I need to see my husband again." -Mrs Gomez
"We're very religious people in this line of work (...) When you enter a mine, you're automatically entrusting yourself to God." -Juan Sanchez
"Under the earth there is a ray of light, my path, and faith is the last thing that is lost ... I have been born again" -Victor Zamora Bugueno
"The big lesson from all of this is that we have to be united. This is for the world." -Mario Castillo
"Hopefully the spirit of these miners will remain forever with us" -Chilen presidentti Sebastian Pinera
(kuva: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/10/rescued_from_a_chilean_mine.html)
69 päivää maan uumenissa pakottaa ihmisen kohtaamaan itsensä.
Varjoja. Demoneja.
"There are actually 34 of us, because God has never left us down here." -Jimmy Sanchez
“I was with God and I was with the devil; they fought me but God won. He took me by my best hand, the hand of God, and I held on to him. I never thought for one minute that God wouldn't get me out of there. I believe that I had extraordinary luck, I believe this was a test. ... I believe that God does test people and I believe that we have the possibility to confront things in life such as what we had to confront, ... but I'm very happy that it happened to me because I believe it was the moment in which to make changes. -Mario Sepulveda
“I have come back to life. (...) Sometimes you need something to happen in your life to really reflect and understand that we only have one life. I changed, I am a different person.” -Mario Gomez
"Can you imagine? After 30 years of marriage we will start sending each other love letters again. I want to tell him that I love him so much. I want to tell him that things will be different, that we will have a new life. I will wait as long as I need to see my husband again." -Mrs Gomez
"We're very religious people in this line of work (...) When you enter a mine, you're automatically entrusting yourself to God." -Juan Sanchez
"Under the earth there is a ray of light, my path, and faith is the last thing that is lost ... I have been born again" -Victor Zamora Bugueno
"The big lesson from all of this is that we have to be united. This is for the world." -Mario Castillo
"Hopefully the spirit of these miners will remain forever with us" -Chilen presidentti Sebastian Pinera
(kuva: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/10/rescued_from_a_chilean_mine.html)
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