“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”
― Gautama Buddha
"Intuitiosi avulla näet rastin. Järkesi avulla piirrät kartan." - Jorma Ronkainen (OnLähde.fi)
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”
― Gautama Buddha
Be who you essentially are behind the endless stories of your identity. You're a miracle. You are life. Happiness lies in the pure joy of being and breathing. You are human Being. You're always more than any thought or feeling or sensation that arises within your awareness. Yes, mind-made stories about you can be fascinating but they're not the real deal.
The real deal is this: being out of your mind-made stories is where your true identity is. You are the limitless space for all this that arises right now. So by all means, be "out of your mind" and have a miraculous day. Every day.
Yes? (Facebook)
The real you is big. I mean it's really really really B-I-G. It's huge. It's vast and it's limitless. There are no boundaries. No, I'm not talking about your ego. Ego loves categories, boundaries and restrictions. Ego is defined by boundaries. Ego is identification with conceptual mind and its endless stories. These stories tell nice and not-so-nice stories about you and your accomplishments and failures. The real you allows and accepts all feelings and thoughts as they arise within your consciousness. Actually you don't even have to do the allowance nor acceptance as it's already done. This moment is a living proof. This moment is the acceptance that you've already done. It's all done. The mysterious liveliness of this moment means that deep down in your soul you've already said "Yes, be it so".
The real you is more than any feeling or thought that tries to limit you. The real you is "I am" that manifests as this moment. The real you is all that exists in the Now.
Ihminen on jokainen hetki parhaassa mahdollisessa tilanteessa oppia. Tämä hetki, niin kuin se on juuri nyt, on "kudottu" juuri sinua varten rakkaudella. Toisinaan oppimistilanne on helposti tulkittavissa miellyttäväksi ja toisinaan sen automaattisesti lokeroi epämiellyttäväksi. Tämä hetki on gurusi, opettajasi. Voit kääntää tälle hetkelle selkäsi, voit sulkea silmäsi ja korvasi. Ei haittaa mitään, sillä tämä hetki on kärsivällinen. Tämä guru ei kyllästy. Tässä se on koko ajan, luonasi. Tutustuessasi tähän hetkeen ennakkoluulotta, tulet yllättymään sillä tämä hetki on runsaudensarvi, onnen aarrearkku.
gnothi seauton - ihmisen kokoisia ajatuksia "On" facebookissa
Some of my friends have been complaining about the weather. Right now it snows. Like it or not, it snows. Snowing doesn't care if you like it or not. It just does what it's best at. So let it snow and enjoy the snow show.
(photo: The strong see and do (Väkevät näkevät tekevät, Terho Sakki 1986)