maanantaina, heinäkuuta 24, 2017

Ruka Top!

Viikonloppu oli aivan erityinen. Elämä tarjoilee joskus makeaa mahan täydeltä. Kuvausten ohessa on saanut fasiliteeteista nauttia. Voimme varauksetta suositella tätä paikkaa, jos haluat tarjota itsellesi ja ystävillesi jotakin uniikkia. Ruka Top! <3

Kiitos Markku, kiitos Päivi, kiitos Arto, kiitos Sara!

"RUKATOP –villa is located at the top of Ruka fell next to Juhannuskallio nature reserve. The villa is situated 430 meters above the sea level providing you with breathtaking panoramic view over the surrounding nature. RUKATOP –villa is in a private area providing you with a high level of privacy and safety. The total floor area of Ruka Top is 540 m². The residential facilities are on two floors. Upstairs there is a big living room, a dining hall with a magnificent view of the outdoors, a kitchen with gourmet-level equipment, three bedrooms and two washrooms. Upstairs also has an entry hall and a toilet.

Downstairs there are three bedrooms, an office room, a training gym, a conference room, storage and to crown it all: Ruka Top Sauna World.

The story of Ruka Top started when the entrepreneur couple Markku and Päivi were on a snowshoe walk in winter 2006. Simultaneously they got the same feeling: Here it is! They were captured by the magnificent view. That started the process which resulted in the Ruka Top villa.

Unique site on the steep cliff demanded a unique building. All the exterior and interior materials have been selected with special care creating a distinguished and a cosy environment which offers you a luxury escape from your day-to-day routine."

lauantaina, heinäkuuta 15, 2017

Jäniksen vuosi!

Kyllä oli huikeaa settiä eilen tarjolla Kuusamon kesäteatterissa! Jäniksen vuosi on kepeän syvällinen, etten sanoisi syvällisen kepeä sukellus Vatasen tajuntaan. Pohjimmiltaan nondualistista filosofiaa edustava tarina inspiroi pohtimaan urbanisoituneen ihmisen luontosuhdetta. Käykää katsomassa! Kiitos Harri, Esa, Karoliina, Eeva-Kaarina, Tarja & Minna! Olette täyttä timanttia!